Wendy Van den Bulck

The Mindset of, “Interesting!”

Did you know that you dispose of a mindset that can help you to act rather than to react?… The key to safety and sensible energy expenditure is the mindset, “Interesting!”, that horses use to connect with their surroundings and with situations that occur in their surroundings.  Being prey animals, horses take good care of …

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The Power of Horse Assisted Solution Focused Coaching

There are many analogies between what horses need naturally and a solution focused approach. What’s more, long before I experienced Solution Focus in action, horses had taught me the core aspects of it. In this article, I want to highlight some of these core elements to show the added value of working with horses in …

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My Solution Focused Action Formula

“A full-time job as a self-employed coach, nine horses, the maintenance of your domain: how did you manage that in recent years? Where did you get the energy?”. People have asked me questions like these regularly since my husband died six years ago. As an answer to these questions, I’m sharing my solution focused action …

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Have Patience and Do What Is Needed

In this exceptional time, people often appeal to us to have PATIENCE. Working with horses and my concept of Connective Clarity has taught me two kinds of patience: ‘patience out of hoping’ and ‘patience out of knowing’. That distinction goes hand in hand with the difference between ‘What do I want?’ and ‘What is needed?’. …

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How to Mourn in Corona Times?

Mourning is something very intimate. It resides in our deepest emotions, and when something affects that process, it cuts deep into our souls. The current crisis causes painful ordeals: A friend who can only visit her dying father in the nursing home, for less than half an hour twice a day. A funeral ceremony that …

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A Detour is Nothing but an Alternative Path

Living a nomadic life in the wild, horses always travel to more or less the same grass areas. After all, there is a high chance that there will be good grass and herbs where they previously found good grass and herbs. If on the way a passage they used to take is blocked by uprooted …

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About stories and messages

I invite you to make a clear distinction between telling a story and delivering a message. Stories are mostly about the past or about the future. You can’t go back to your past, you can’t change anything about it and you can’t check anymore what reality was like exactly back then. You also can not …

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The Importance of Checking & Describing

Horses constantly provide clarity in every aspect of their communication. People need conscious actions to get there: CHECKING & DESCRIBING.  Checking (“Do I hear you say that…?”) and describing (“Do I notice some doubt in your answer?”) are critical conditions for good understanding and essential keys for conversation partners when taking responsibility for delivering and …

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Right or Wrong? Or Different?

Right’ and ‘wrong’ originate when you see your perspective as the truth. ‘Right’ aligns with how you see things, ‘wrong’ is what is different from your view. This often leads to communication between the layers (of judgements, emotions, interpretations, assumptions, scenarios), causing irritation and (open or underlying) conflicts. When ‘right or wrong’ becomes ‘different’ out …

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The Mindset of, “Interesting!”

Did you know that you dispose of a mindset that can help you to act rather than to react?… The key to safety and sensible energy expenditure is the mindset, “Interesting!”, that horses use to connect with their surroundings and with situations that occur in their surroundings.  Being prey animals, horses take good care of …

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