

A basic programme of several days, workshops, individual coaching and constellation work. The horses direct you in an amazingly true way towards the essence of your message and of yourself.

People often feel like they are nothing more than the product of their past, or a plaything of circumstances. We help people to become aware of the unlimited capacity of Creating and of the sense that you really are the captain of the ship that is your life. It is a matter of making choices and giving direction to the consequences of these choices. Will this make life easier? Not always. It will make life more fascinating, richer and more connected, though. Let yourself be taken into the journey of finding your own essence!


One-day workshop Connective Clarity: START from STOP. Giving direction to challenging situations

STOP moments are exploration moments. They bring you into the ‘here and now’, enabling you to do what a situation needs, instead of reactively acting from your interpretations, scenarios, judgements, assumptions, emotions, or not acting at all.

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Online programme – ‘Resilience through Connective Clarity’

This is a programme for everyone who is intrigued by authentic, Solution Focused leadership. Within yourself: you want to make clear choices and make them visible. Towards others: you want to take others along in the initiatives you  take and / or you have an (in)formal role as a leader.

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Individual coaching with the support of horses

Are you expierencing fear? Are you burdened with uncertainty or dependence? Are you having difficulties to gain visibility? Are you struggling with setting boundaries? Are you in a burn-out and do you need extra support in making things feasible again? Our coachings aim at people who are in search of the power to keep a tight grip on the rudder of their life.

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Workshop Dare to Be Visible

Daring to be visible is a leadership quality. This one-day workshop helps you to take up more leadership in your work context. The experiences with the horses provide deep insights, and your process will be captured in professional images. Unique!

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Constellation work including horses as representatives

Constellation work is a fast and intense process to gain insight in the dynamics of a system (family, organization, society,…). The horses act as representatives, representing resources. By being who they are, they do what they do: in every here and now, a horse mirrors your qualities and your pitfalls.

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